Terms + Conditions

Tribe Sauna + Ice Membership Agreement

This page includes both General and Membership Agreement Terms and Conditions, except for what is outlined in the specific Promotional Terms and Conditions. Unless otherwise stated and agreed in your Membership Agreement, this is an ongoing membership Agreement, and these Terms and Conditions will continue until either you or we terminate it in accordance with this Membership Agreement.


Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Tribe Sauna + Ice facility. Here at Tribe Sauna + Ice, it is our focus to ensure the safety and well-being of all our members and staff, by understanding, agreeing and abiding with these conditions you help to ensure a safe environment for not only yourself but other members and staff. We advise you only sign this Membership Agreement if you agree to obey with these Conditions. In the event of a discrepancy the information outlined in these Terms and Conditions can and will be used.




By signing this Agreement, you understand and agree to the following:

(a) You have been given a copy of this Agreement; and

(b) All Members and Non-Members must obey/abide with all outlined obligations in this Agreement;

(c) Terms and Conditions in this Agreement may be amended or added;

(d) You do not have any medical conditions that stop you from undertaking any normal course of sauna & ice bath. If you have any medical conditions you need to provide a medical note before participating in any of our services to say you are fit to sauna & ice bath; and

(e) You are aware that there is a level of risk participating in sauna & ice bath and using our equipment that may pose a risk to your health, you use our facilities at your own sole risk;

(f) Authority will be granted to a third-party debiting company, Stripe. Stripe will direct debit from your nominated bank or credit card for any membership fees outlined in your membership contract or any other fees due that are outlined in these Terms and Conditions.


2. Definitions

• "Agreement" refers to the entire document that makes up your Membership Agreement which are both outlined in these Terms and Conditions and your Membership Agreement.

• "Terms" and "Conditions" refers to Terms and Conditions you must abide to in the Agreement.

• "Tribe Sauna + Ice" is the trading name for Tribe Sauna and Ice Pty Ltd, which all contracts are legally bound to.

• "Stripe” refers to the third-party Direct Debit company.

• "Public, Private, Peak & Off-Peak Hours" refers to the hours which are displayed on Tribe Sauna + Ice website access schedule for each level of membership & casual pass.

• "You" and "Members" refers to who is reading and understanding these Terms and Conditions to allow them to obtain a Membership Agreement with Tribe Sauna + Ice.

• "Facility, Hub, Premises, Location" is referred to the place in which this Membership Agreement is allowing you access to.

• "TSI Induction" refers to the Tribe Sauna + Ice Induction process which you must complete prior to using any services within the premises.

• "Non-Members" refers to those who are not members at Tribe Sauna + Ice and are simply guests or casual patrons visiting the premises within public hours.

• "Membership Tag" refers to the electronic fob/swipe card which all members must have to be allowed access in the premises.


3. Membership Agreement Terms and Conditions

You acknowledge the following;

(a) All memberships at Tribe Sauna + Ice are different, and individual Terms and Conditions may apply in conjunction to this Agreement;

(b) Tribe Sauna + Ice operates from 6am to 8pm, Monday to Sunday. The hours from 12pm to 5pm Monday to Sunday are staffed. It is also operational out of staffed hours. Only members are permitted to use the facility out of staffed hours in accordance with clause 4 (subject to clause 4.3). Tribe Sauna & Ice reserves the right to change operating and staffed hours. Any changes will be updated on our website;

(c) You enter Tribe Sauna + Ice facility at your own risk, you acknowledge we do everything possible to provide a safe environment for you. You’ll receive an induction on your 1st visit to make sure you familiarise yourself with the premises;

(d) We do not give any guarantees that you will have access to equipment at any particular time if the facility is booked out.

(e) All memberships are for a minimum of 6 months with auto-renewal pass 6 months. If you do not wish to extend past 6 months you need to send an email to admin@tribesaunaice.com.au at least 30 days before 6 month auto-renewal date. To cancel membership past 6 months, you’ll need to send an email to admin@tribesaunaice.com.au 30 days before next payment is due. All completed payments are non-refundable.

4. General Entry Conditions

(a) Once you have successfully agreed to all the Terms and Conditions, and completed and signed the relevant Membership/T&Cs Agreements you will then have access to our facility during staffed hours and out of staffed hours; (subject to clause 4.4 & 4.7);

(b) You only have access to services that are outlined in the Membership Agreement you choose;

(c) Non-Members are only allowed to be in the premises in staffed/public hours. Non-Members must follow guidelines outlined in clause 4.6; and have completed induction specified in clause (4.1)

(d) All members must swipe their Membership Tag or booking barcode on entry to our premises both in and out of staffed hours; Failure to do so will incur a no-show fee as specified in clause 17 (d);

(d) Non-members/Casuals must swipe their booking barcode on entry to our premises; Failure to do so will incur a no-show fee as specified in clause 17 (d);

(g) If you have lost your Access Fob, you must report it to reception immediately. You may purchase a new card during staffed hours at reception for a cost of $25.


4.1 Induction Process

(a) It is a mandatory process for all Members and Non-Members to undergo and complete a Tribe Sauna + Ice (TSI) Induction before entering the facility for the first time;

(b) TSI Induction is an important part of ensuring you have the best possible information about our facilities and the procedure in the event of an emergency;

(c) TSI Induction covers the following but not limited; out of staffed hours access, amenities, layout, first aid, emergency procedures and sauna/ice bath etiquette.

(d) The TSI induction takes 2 mins and can be done when you pick up your FOB and/or when you first use our facility.


4.2 Refusal of entry

You may be refused entry or requested to cease activity and leave the premises as a result of the following Conditions;

(a) Unpaid or outstanding membership fees outlined in your Membership Agreement; or

(b) You are under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or

(c) Smoking or vaping on Tribe Sauna + Ice premises; or

(d) You are behaving in a threatening way or using threating or abusive language; or

(e) Bullying or discriminating other Members, patrons or staff; or

(f) Using sauna without a large enough towel that rest under body and feet; or

(g) Wearing inappropriate or offensive clothing; or

(h) Interfering or causing any trouble.


4.3 Illegal activity

At Tribe Sauna + Ice we do not tolerate any illegal activities on our premises. We have the right to call the police and terminate your contract immediately if we catch you participating in these events.


4.4 Age Policy

Tribe Sauna + Ice is 18 years old + facility.

If you’re between 14 to 17 years old you may be eligible for a pass subjected to the following Conditions;

(a) All minors must have consent and a signature from the minor's parent on all Memberships Contracts, Agreements and Waivers;

(b) All minors must attend a safety induction and pre-screening consult where you will be assessed if you are eligible to be granted access to the premises;

(c) You must obey all safety instructions;

(d) If you are aged between 14 and 17 years, you are only allowed to access the premises during specified times that TSI allocate for minors and directly accompanied at all times by a parent at a ratio of 1:1;


4.5 Photography

(a) For Members and Non Members privacy, Members and Non-Members are not permitted to film or photograph in the Tribe Sauna + Ice facility;

(b) By signing this Agreement, you are allowing us to use any images or videos captured in our premises that you may be in the background of for promotional related content on social media or other marketing sources. If the person can be identified we’ll seek written consent.


4.6 Non-Members

(a) Only members have access to the Tribe Sauna + Ice facility out of staffed (public) hours, it is not permitted to bring a Non-Member outside of staffed hours;

(b) All Non-Members must be signed in with reception and undergo the Tribe Sauna + Ice process outlined in clause 4.1 for their 1st visit;

(c) Non-Members will only be granted access into the premises with casual pass, gift voucher, Members mate pass or free pass that have been authorised by Tribe Sauna + Ice and during staffed hours only;

(d) If you breach any of the Conditions in clause 4.6;

• You accept full responsibility and liability and agree to release Tribe Sauna + Ice from all claims that may occur, including but not limited to, injury, illness, loss or damage to the Non-Member or caused by the Non-Member;


4.7 Unstaffed (Private/Members) Hours Operations

(a) All our Memberships grant access to the premises out of staffed hours, subject to clause 4.4;

(d) Before receiving your Membership Access FOB you agree to have completed all safety inductions and acknowledge and agreed to the Terms and Conditions outlined in this Agreement.

(e) You accept and acknowledge, that you will not use the emergency system inappropriately. You agree to cover all costs associated with deliberately or mistakenly using the emergency system including but not limited to replacement of defibrillator, ambulance call-out fee etc.


5. Use of Equipment

(a) To ensure the safety of yourself and others you must follow all instructions on the equipment and use for its intended purpose(s);

(b) If you are unsure how to correctly and safely operate or use equipment you must ask a qualified member of staff before using it;

(c) You are required to shower before entering ice baths.

(d) Must use a clean towel while using sauna to sit/lean on and wipe down after use.

(e) members agree that if they find themselves alone in the premises, they must use the duress call button provided on a lanyard as per induction. Failing to return the duress lanyard will incur a $300 replacement fee. Incorrect use of the duress call will incur a $300 penalty + any associated costs including, but not limited to, ambulance call-out fee.


6. Pigeonholes, Valuables and Liability of Property

(a) Pigeonholes are available, but they are not secure. You leave your personal items at your own risk and acknowledge and accept all responsibilities for all personal items;

(b) Tribe Sauna + Ice is not liable for any loss or damage to personal property within the facility;

(c) For everyone's safety, bags are not permitted inside the sauna and ice baths;

(d) Tribe Sauna + Ice staff will not look after personal items whilst you are in the premises;

(e) We will not be liable for any damage or theft to your vehicles or its content parked around the Tribe Sauna + Ice facility.



(a) By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that you will be under video surveillance whilst in or around the facility. Security cameras are located over the premises excluding toilets and change rooms to ensure member and staff safety and security purposes, this footage will be stored and used as evidence in the event of any breach or misconduct outlined in this Agreement or an external security breach.

(b) You give consent to being filmed under video surveillance for the above purposes and understand Tribe Sauna + Ice will store your image in accordance with its Privacy Policy.


8. Personal Injury and Damage

Whilst on the premises of the Tribe Sauna + Ice facility to the extent permitted by law, Tribe Sauna + Ice is not liable for any Member, or Non-Member, in Agreement, tort, statute or for any injury, damage or loss of any kind, including any liability for direct or indirect loss or damage, sustained by the Member, Non-Member, or any other person, or for any costs associated or caused by the Member signed in this Membership Agreement and for any services or products provided by Tribe Sauna + Ice.

You must seek written medical approval if you have any medical condition for which use of sauna and/or ice baths isn’t recommended. This including but not limited to: pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, heart arrhythmia, anorexia, cold urticaria, hypotension, hypertension, insensitivity to heat, inflammatory skin conditions, pharmaceutical drug. When in doubt, check with your medical practitioner.


9. Safety, Maintenance and Change of Services

You acknowledge that Tribe Sauna + Ice will sometimes need to make changes to the operations of the facility, these may include;

(a) Changing the operation hours of all services, including non-staffed Access;

(b) Closing parts of the facility or changing service availability for safety or maintenance reasons;

(c) Removing or closing of equipment for maintenance; (Closed Christmas Day / Easter Sunday). Other public holidays may be un-staffed therefore only open to members. TSI reserves the right to amend these times. Public holiday closure will be posted on our website.

(d) Changing the General Conditions of Entry.

Where this occurs, Tribe Sauna + Ice will provide as much notice as possible on our website, social media and notice boards around the premises.

10. Privacy

(a) Personal information defined the in Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), will only be used by Tribe Sauna + Ice, Stripe and Hapana;

(b) Tribe Sauna + Ice Privacy statement can be found on our website www.tribesaunaice.com.au

(c) Stripe privacy statement can be found on their website;

(d) Hapana privacy statement can be found on their website.


11. Payments

Tribe Sauna + Ice uses third-party banking companies for membership direct debits, upfront payments, merchandise and other retail sales. All selected companies have different surcharges which get charged to each customer.


11.1 Payment by Direct Debit

Payment by Direct Debit is with Stripe and the following Conditions apply;

• All members agree to pay their Membership instalments at the agreed rate and frequency outlined in their Membership option until this Agreement is terminated;

• By signing this Agreement, you give Stripe the permission to direct debit out of your nominated credit card / bank account for all membership fees, outstanding balances, late-cancellation, no-show and dishonour fees;

• You authorise Stripe to notify any debit collection agency if payments are owing. Your payment contract is between the Member and Stripe, in the event of a terminated Membership you will still be obligated to pay your debit. Tribe Sauna + Ice has no involvement in any pay disputes between the member and Stripe fees and surcharges may apply;

• Bank direct debit surcharges are 0.40% + $0.88 flat fee and for Visa/Mastercard it is 1.75% + $0.30 flat fee and 2.3% + $0.30 flat fee for American Express, all members are required to pay these transaction fees as they are from Stripe not Tribe Sauna + Ice.

• Dishonour fees of $10.00 will be charged to each member in the event of each failed payment.

• Late cancel/no-show fee of $10 will be charged to each patron, member or non-member if booking is cancelled with less than 2 hours’ notice or for a no-show.


12. Membership Fee Increases

Membership fees can increase at any time. Member will be notified with at least one month’s notice.


13. Membership Obligations

Tribe Sauna + Ice Memberships require you to;

• Advise Tribe Sauna + Ice if any changes are made to your contact details;

• Comply with all Conditions of entry and guidelines;

• Comply with any communication in the facility;

• Pay all fees agreed, ensure you have sufficient funds to cover all fees and advise Tribe Sauna + Ice of any changes to your nominated bank or cards;

• You must disclose to Tribe Sauna + Ice of any new/old health conditions that pose a risk to your health while using our facility in any way;

• If you have any health conditions that pose a risk to your health while using our facility you must provide a doctor's note saying you are allowed to participate in all the activities.


14. Special Conditions or Promotions for Certain Membership Types

All special conditions or promotions relating to your Membership type will either be stated in this Agreement under the relevant Membership type and/or displayed on our website to form part of your Membership Agreement.


15. Membership Freeze

(a) You have the right to freeze your Membership Agreement (suspension of payments) at any stage for any reason for a minimum of 1 week as long as the total amount of frozen weeks does not exceed 2 weeks within a 6 months period, this including during the first 6 months of the memebrship. These freeze weeks will be added at the end of your first 6 months of membership period.

(b) Tribe Sauna + Ice requests that you give at least 2 weeks notice of any request to freeze your Membership Agreement by email at admin@tribesaunaice.com.au.


16. Cancellation/Termination

(a) Cooling Off Period

• All Memberships are subject to a 48-hour cooling off period as long as you haven’t used your membership for a session;

• Cooling off periods are only valid to new Memberships; renewals do not receive a cooling off period;

• Cooling off period commences from the date this Agreement has been signed;

• All monies will be refunded if you cancel your Membership within the cooling off period and you haven’t used your membership for a session;

• If you wish to cancel your Membership within the 48-hour cooling off period, you must contact Tribe Sauna + Ice by email admin@tribesaunaice.com.au to request cancellation.

(b) Cancellation After Cooling Off Period

• You may terminate your Membership Agreement as follow;

All Memberships are for a minimum of 6 months and auto-renew automatically.

After the first 6 months, you may terminate your Membership Agreement as follow:

1) All payments and fees are up to date and paid for,

2) Once the first 6 months have passed, you must send an email at admin@tribesaunaice.com.au to request cancellation within 30 days of next upcoming payment.

3) Once payment has gone through for the month, it isn’t refundable.

• Tribe Sauna + Ice reserves the right to terminate your Membership Agreement if you fail to abide by any of the Terms and Conditions in any way shape or form outlined in this Agreement.


(d) Termination by Tribe Sauna + Ice

• Tribe Sauna + Ice reserves the right to terminate your Membership Agreement in the event of the following.

1) If you breach or fail to abide by any of the Terms and Conditions outlined in this Agreement; or

2) To protect the health and safety of our members and staff; or

3) Permanent closure to our facility.


17. Class Bookings and Cancellations

(a) All sessions must be booked through our website, app or at reception to ensure you have reserved access to the session you wish to attend; You cannot attend a session if booking hasn’t been made in advance.

(b) Tribe Sauna + Ice does not guarantee availability for any sessions;

(c) If the session is full and you still wish to attend you will be put on a waitlist and notified if any cancellations have occurred;

(d) If you are booked into a session and wish to cancel you must cancel through our online booking system at least 2 hours prior to the class commencement time. You will be charged a fee of $10 if you fail to attend or cancel less than hours prior to the class commencement time.


18. Membership Types

At Tribe Sauna + Ice we offer 3 types of Memberships to best cater for our members. You acknowledge and understand that all Membership Agreements have their own specific Terms and are in conjunction with all general Terms and Conditions outlined in this Agreement.

Price List – All memberships incur a $10 set-up fee.

(a) Tribe Platinum Membership

Membership fees, benefits and access are listed below;

• $35/week, charges paid calendar month @ $152 plus associated bank/credit card fees.

• Public and private access to our facility;

• Unlimited access up to 1 hour session per day;

• 1 free mate’s pass per calendar month;

(b) Tribe Platinum Off-peak Membership

Membership benefits and access are listed below;

• $25/week, charges paid calendar month @ $108 plus associated bank/credit card fees.

• Public and private access to our facility;

• Unlimited access up to 1 hour session per day;

• Access restricted to Monday to Sunday 9am to 3pm (1st booking from 9am and last booking 2pm).

• 1 free mate’s pass (off peak use only) per calendar month;

(e) Tribe FIFO Pre-Paid Membership

Membership benefits and access are listed below;

• Book of 30 sessions: $490 + associated bank/credit card fees (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Staffed and un-staffed access to our facility;

• Unlimited access up to 1 hour session per day;

• 1 free mate’s pass per calendar month;


19. Casual passes & gift vouchers

At Tribe Sauna + Ice we offer casual passes & gift vouchers to best cater for those who prefer to keep it… well, casual. You acknowledge and understand that all Agreements have their own specific Terms and are in conjunction with all general Terms and Conditions outlined in this Agreement.

(a) Casual passes

• $25/casual pass (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Book of 5 casual passes: $100 (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Casual passes can only be used during public hours.


(b) Gift vouchers

• $25/gift voucher (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Book of 5 gift vouchers: $100 (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Gift vouchers can only be used during public hours.


Introductory Foundation Price List – ALLOCATION COMPLETED

(a) Foundation Tribe Platinum Membership – ALLOCATION COMPLETED

Membership fees, benefits and access are listed below;

• $30/week, charges paid calendar month @ $130 plus associated bank/credit card fees.

• Public and private access to our facility;

• Unlimited access up to 1 hour session per day;

• 1 free mate’s pass per calendar month;

(b) Foundation Tribe Platinum Off-peak Membership – ALLOCATION COMPLETED

Membership benefits and access are listed below;

• $20/week, charges paid calendar month @ $87 plus associated bank/credit card fees.

• Public and private access to our facility;

• Unlimited access up to 1 hour session per day;

• Access restricted to Monday to Sunday 9am to 3pm (1st booking from 9am and last booking 2pm).

• 1 free mate’s pass (off peak use only) per calendar month;

(e) Foundation Tribe FIFO Pre-Paid Membership – ALLOCATION COMPLETED

Membership benefits and access are listed below;

• Book of 30 sessions: $450 + associated bank/credit card fees (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Staffed and un-staffed access to our facility;

• Unlimited access up to 1 hour session per day;

• 1 free mate’s pass per calendar month;


19. Foundation Casual passes & gift vouchers – ALLOCATION COMPLETED

At Tribe Sauna + Ice we offer casual passes & gift vouchers to best cater for those who prefer to keep it… well, casual. You acknowledge and understand that all Agreements have their own specific Terms and are in conjunction with all general Terms and Conditions outlined in this Agreement.

(a) Casual passes

• $25/casual pass (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Book of 5 casual passes: $100 (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Casual passes can only be used during public hours.


(b) Gift vouchers

• $25/gift voucher (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Book of 5 gift vouchers: $100 (valid for 6 months from date of purchase – non-transferable)

• Gift vouchers can only be used during public hours.


20. Youth passes

At Tribe Sauna + Ice we believe in parent & child connection, so we offer combined sauna + ice sessions 1:1 as per clause 4.4.

MEMBERS only can bring a minor (14 to 17 years old) with a casual pass add-on to an existing membership for $25 / casual session (valid for 1 month from date of purchase – non-transferable). Youth passes can only be purchased by contacting Tribe Sauna + Ice on 0410 780 796 or by email admin@tribesaunaice.com.au . Youth access remains at Tribe Sauna + Ice’ discretion and only after assessment.


21. Mate’s Pass

(a) If you are to bring a Non-Member in our facility with your mate’s pass, they must register, agree and abide to all our Terms and Conditions, subjected to clause 4.6 and 4.4;

(b) Mate’s passes are only valid for one person and only permitted during public hours and according to member’s conditions of entry.

22. Promotional Free Pass

(a) For promotional purposes we release / give away Free Passes on an ad hoc basis. These are limited time & quantity offers at Tribe Sauna + Ice’ discretion

(b) Free passes can only be used during public hours

(c) Free passes can only be used once and need to be presented when coming to your session

(d) Free pass user needs to register & book via website or app or contact Tribe Sauna + Ice on 0410 780 796

(e) Free pass user needs to an induction before commencing their session

Memberships + Bookings

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